Sunday 8 June 2014

Nearly there

In 28 days time the Gold Coast Half Marathon will all be over.  16 weeks of training will have finished and the 21.1km will have been run.

This week was quite momentus for this plodder.

On Monday I went on a three day school camp to Canberra - what an exhausting three days, but very thankful to be able to run, what a stress relief it is.  I was lucky enough to have the lovely Manuela meet me at 5.30am and 6am for a 5km run - so very much appreciated.

Well, Saturday morning arrived, the day of my longest LSR - 19km.  I was in two minds - do I just run at my comfortable pace to make the distance or do I aim for my recommended pace of 7.10 min / km.

I was meeting two ladies, with my husband we were going to run around The Armory - a 17km loop, so we'd need to do a little bit more.

It was a beautiful morning, temperature was great, sky was clear and two amazing women to run with.  I ran, kept up with the other runners and kept my pace below 7 min / km - yay!!!!

All was going well until about the 16km mark when my quads started to tighten and my knees seemed to be frozen in running mode - they felt like they needed a big stretch, but I didn't want to stop.

Was stoked to finish strongly, with some pretty impressive stats for me :)

The next day reflection:  muscles are feeling good, knees were a bit achy this morning, but some ice fixed that.  Went to Run Club this afternoon and did a workout - 10kms, again, glad to be running with someone to keep me focused.

So, I'm pretty happy/chuffed to be clicking over the kms without too many aches and pains.

and yep, I have plans for later in the year, will update you later.

Four weeks to go, so exciting, so many friends preparing for the Gold Coast Half Marathon and Marathon.


  1. It's all coming together!! Well done Sue, it's been a massive 16 weeks of ups and downs but you made it this far. Here's to the half will being everything you have been hoping for and more!!

  2. You are going to get there Sue, I have absolutely no doubt! I will be cheering you from here.

