Friday 9 May 2014

Bucket List

It's been 18 months since I started my 12wbt journey and so much has changed.  It's not just loosing weight, it's life changing, inside and out, and I'm constantly surprised.

Last October I received a Bridge Climb voucher for my birthday from hubby.  It was one of my goals - to start doing more around this amazing city I live in, rather than hiding away behind layers of fat.  There's no weight limit for Bridge Climb, but I really detested being the largest in anything I did as a group.

Saturday night at 1625 was our time to climb.  I was excited and nervous.  Looking forward to the challenge of climbing 1370 stairs, but also a little worried I might get scared being up so high.  I'm not scared of heights, but am more wearier of heights as I get older.

I loved it, fitted into the overalls nicely, packed ourselves up with our jackets, beanies and safety ropes.  The weather wasn't perfect, it'd rained on and off throughout the day and by the time we climbed it was 12 degrees C with a windchill factor of 9 degrees and 50km/h winds.

Off we went, up the eastern side (Opera House side), across the summit and down the western side.  The views were spectacular, the stories about the building of this structure were awesome and once we crossed the summit to the western side the wind was bitter!!!!

I'm glad I wasn't at my largest, there were some tight bits to climb over, under and around.  So much more comfortable doing these adventures when you're body is healthy.

omg, was so shocked to see this photo - I look so much like my mother.  Had never seen the resemblance before.

My calves were really tight after Saturday, not sure if it was the Bridge Climb or the 15km run I ran at 6.30am with Molly or a combination of both.

Oh yeah, did I tell you I ran 15km, not just ran at a LSR pace, but tagged along with Molly at her pace which was faster than my regular pace.  I ran the first 7.5km at about a 7 min km pace, then when we turned around it was time to up the pace and run the last half at 6.30 pace.  We, or should I say, I made it.  Molly made it look easy!!!  The last 2km I was screaming in my head, screaming that I couldn't do this, that I just wanted to walk or slow down to my 7 min pace.  But, I'm proud, I wasn't going to say it out loud while I was with Molly - I did swear a bit!!!

Loving that the legs can do it, just the head I have to battle.  I don't have to run with my head, just have to run with my legs but I do need a sensible head on my shoulders.

I was asked a question last week, what strategies I use for the longer distances?

I don't have many good coping strategies, I just break my run down into blocks or chunks.  Last weekend when I ran 15km, it was 7.5km out and back.  I was fine running the first 7.5km, then it became a countdown, eg 5 to go, then the last 2, 2 to go.

A big weekend this weekend with another Enticer Tri and MDC 4km with my two girls (18 & 22) and my husband.  Unfortunately my son doesn't run.  I'll blog about this weekend on Sunday night.  Have a great weekend all xxx

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the 15kms Sue at such a good pace. It's a great milestone to reach as you head into your Winter/Spring Running program!
    Just breathtaking to see you on the bridge for so many reasons. Good luck for your tri and MDC this weekend.
