Monday 14 April 2014

wow, wow and wow!!!!

I'm speechless, yet I have so many words and emotions flowing through my brain.

What a weekend!!!!

There is so much I could say, but feel like I'd be rambling.  The overwhelming feeling from the weekend is that I made the right decision to join Run Club.  What a motivational, supportive group of positive people!!!

We literally painted Canberra green and made sure everyone heard us as well.

Saturday was a great day, an early start for the 10km run, to then be followed by the 5km run.  I had registered for the 10km with Mr D.  The plan was to run together, but to run harder, as Mr D has told me that he thinks I run safely and have lots more left in the tank.  I was going to aim for a 6.30 pace.

The run started out well, early, overcast and nice for a run.  Great scenery around our nations capital, mixed in with amazing support from Run Club members at all different parts of the run.  The first 3km were nice and fast, I was feeling good.  Then there was a bit of congestion as we headed up some inclines/hills - I call them hills!!!  I do recall someone telling me that the Canberra run was flat - well, they're WRONG!!!!

At about the 4km mark Garry took off and I was left to battle my demons.  The demons stayed quiet ............... YAY!!!  The pace dropped a little between 4 - 7km.  Around the 8km mark, I decided to give more effort as I knew if was a flat last couple of kms.  It felt weird, I was putting in effort but didn't feel like I was going any faster.  It all came together around the 9km mark, not sure if it was the PT guy on a bike yelling at us all.  I did tell him he could ride behind me and yell at me.  Secretly I was aiming for 1.05, but I crossed the line in 1.05.41.  I'm happy with that time, I'm learning to not get too caught up in making my goals.  Goals are there to strive towards and the world's not going to fall apart if I don't make them.

 Selfie!!!  Ready to start, not sure what Mr Bean's race tactics were, but he's certainly photo bombed me!!!!
 Thanks Sue L for a great mid run photo.  You always make me smile, and the karate kid next to me is looking very cool.  I'm sure I saw him running the marathon the next day.
Nearly finished - giving it my all

Finished!!!  Another medal!!!!

Day 1 of an amazing two day running festival.  More highlights - getting to spend time with Cat and Jacque and meeting other 12wbt runners.

Day 2 is a whirlwind of emotions and I'm about to head off to a yoga retreat for two days, so will update the amazing Marathoner Molly over the weekend.

Be safe all, and enjoy the health that we have, the ability we have to be able to get outside and walk or run.

1 comment:

  1. Sue loved this. As for the selfie, well remember that site where that woman was taking selfies to get the cute guys behind her ... ~~whistling innocently~~. each to their own!! LOL
    Carol /
