Thursday 20 March 2014

The next BIG goal

Two big weekends of exercise done and time to set another goal!!!

I've become to understand that I function really well with goals.  I like the structure of following a plan and having a goal keeps me going forwards, not backwards.

Tuesday morning I took a big breath and registered for the Gold Coast Half Marathon!!!!  AHHHHH!!!  What have I done!!!!

My husband surprised me the night before asking if I wanted him to register too and run with me.  I'm no hero, I'm happy to have someone to run with.  So, it was a quick yes.

It wasn't too many months ago and I was limiting my running by saying, 'I'm only going to run 5km, 5km is my limit.'  Then I ran a couple of 10kms and the same self talk, 'I'm only going to run 10km, 10km is my limit.'

I truly don't know where the half will take me.  I'm not going to say never again.  I do have dodgy knees from surgery and do have to take care of them.  

I have 16 weeks to train for my half and I will complete it, hopefully within 2 hours 30 minutes.

And then who knows??????  Will I go back to 5 and 10km distances and improve those paces with the odd half thrown in for fun????

Who knows the answer to those questions.

1 comment:

  1. You have definitely kicked some major goals Sue! Well done :) One thing I know for sure, is that once you have done your half you will definitely be looking around for a challenge :)
    I have a feeling that running will never completely disappear from your goal list though.
    Good Luck for your Half Marathon training. I am looking forward to seeing it unfold.
