Friday, 15 August 2014



No need for Dr Google, it's a very easy condition to diagnose.

FOGFA = Fear Of Getting Fat Again

It takes time to break down the wall, chip away at the issues that's kept me overweight, no not overweight, but obese for the past 21 years.  It's taken me a while, but finally self diagnosed myself that I do have a fear of getting fat again.  I'm by no means skinny or even slim, still got a way to go until I'm happy with my body but my am beginning to learn to like my new body and it's athleticism.

As you can see by this photo, there is a real reason for FOGFA, not just asethically but also the damage I did to myself internal organs.

Yes, I've found a love for running, and also a love for cycling.  I like them for different reasons;

Running, gives me the peace and solitude to escape and just enjoy being me.

Cycling gives me the opportunity to go faster, clock up the kms with no pressure on the joints.

This last weekend I was participating in my first City to Surf, 14kms from Sydney city to the gorgeous Bondi Beach - no easy run.  It has Heartbreak Hill, 1.6km of a windy hill plus quite a few other inclines and hills.  I conquered that run, conquered that hill, but the day before I felt the need to exercise.  Knew running wasn't a great idea so decided to go for a 20km cycle.  The fact the temperature was close to 0 degrees and even though I was wearing three layers, it was freezing, gloves frosting over.

No big deal, cycling is easy on the joints and 20km is only an hour.  That's the dialogue going on in my head anyway.

So cycling isn't too bad, on it's own it's not too bad, but this lady had organised to go for a bush walk with some friends and daughter (Miss 18 year old who is now nicknamed Mountain Goat).  Now for those who I don't know, I'm originally from NZ and when you go bushwalking in NZ, you follow tracks and trails.  The Blue Mountains, that's a different story - there are stairs and lots of them.

It was only about an hour and a half of bushwalking, but my goodness, it was tough.

By Saturday evening I was beginning to feel tightening in my calves and Sunday morning was City 2 Surf ............. oh oh tight calves.  Maybe being so keen to exercise was not such a good idea.

More on the City 2 Surf next time.

Who else suffers from the newly diagnosed FOGA???


  1. Oh yes Sue, definitely, and particularly that since I hit my biggest weight loss of 30kg I went backwards for 10kg and now I'm back to covering the same ground again. First time round it was somewhat easy (but hard) if that makes sense. This time round it's just plain hard ! Look after yourself.

  2. I am so afraid of that, it's pathological. The amount of exercise I have to do just to keep my weight as it is and how little food that equates to, sometimes scares me. I think I have FOGA too!!

  3. I have to confess. You are not alone..I am sure that there are many of us out there. It is just so refreshing to hear someone say it aloud and to hear I'm not the only one that is doing silly things because of
